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The seven Catholic sacraments are the way we encounter Jesus Christ within the Catholic Church and our QP Community. Find out more about sacraments at QP below:

Congratulations on your little one! We can't wait to welcome your child into the life of Christ and the parish through Baptism. Baptisms are celebrated during a weekend Mass (except during Lent) or privately after the last Mass on Sundays. All new parents are required to participate in a Baptism Preparation Session. To get started, please call the Parish Center Office at (608) 231-4600.

If you are an adult seeking baptism, or a child age seven or older, we are happy to walk with you on this journey through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - Adapted. 

We’ve provided resources below to help answer any questions you may have and to help you prepare.

Children ordinarily prepare to receive First Eucharist in second grade. An initial sacramental retreat is held each fall, outlining the immediate preparation process. First Eucharist is celebrated during the Easter Season each year. Contact Kay Schachte for more information. 

If you are an adult seeking First Eucharist, or a child beyond second grade, we are happy to walk with you on this journey through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - Adapted. Contact Kay Schachte for more information.

Private Reconciliation is available on Saturdays from 3:45pm - 4:30pm in the Reconciliation Chapel in the rear of the worship space. You may also call to schedule a Reconciliation appointment by contacting the Parish Center at 608-231-4600


We offer students the opportunity to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation throughout grades 9-12 knowing that not everyone is ready to receive the Sacrament at the same time. Confirmation is the sacrament of mature Christian commitment, a deepening of baptismal gifts, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. You can find out more on our Youth Ministry page.


If you are an adult seeking to complete your initiation through Confirmation (only), contact Kay Schachte for more information. 

Congratulations on your engagement!  We know that this is both an exciting and stressful time, as you begin to plan your wedding. We're here to help you get ready for more than just the wedding day though.

The Sacrament of Marriage is a lasting commitment of a man and a woman to a lifelong partnership. We will guide you through the preparation process to be fully prepared for a lifetime of love and joy together. 

If you would like to get married in our church, please make arrangements at least six months in advance, by calling the Parish Office at (608) 231-4600.


Called to priesthood or religious life? To discuss becoming a priest, deacon, consecrated sister or brother, contact Cheryl Horne.

Anointing is available to anyone in need of spiritual grace at the onset of illness, prior to surgery, with increasing frailty, or as a chronic or terminal illness advances significantly. You may request private anointing in the hospital, at home with family, or in church by appointment. Try to arrange for this sacrament as early as possible, rather than waiting until death is near. It can be especially meaningful for families to celebrate and pray together with their loved one. To arrange an anointing, contact Crystal Nemeth at 608.231.4614 or Cheryl Horne at 608.231.4616. In the event of an emergency, to reach a priest, call 231.4600. After hours, please follow the instructions given for emergencies.