As Catholics, we believe that every life is sacred, from the moment of conception until natural death. The belief that every person is made in the image and likeness of God, and has inherent dignity, is the foundation of all Catholic Social Teachings.
The mission of the parish Respect Life ministry is to educate and inspire everyone to recognize the sacredness and value of all human life, born and unborn. To do that, the QP Respect Life Committee (QPRLC) comes together to:
- Sponsor educational tables, events and speakers
- Host prayer services
- Raise funds to support a broad cross-section of groups who say “yes” to life in some way.
Here are just some of the few recent and ongoing events:
Life is Sweet: We rejoice in the beauty of every person and strive to honor and support life at every stage and ability. We use educational posters, speakers, resources—and cookies!—to share our belief in the sweetness of every life.
Mary Ann Schulte Mother’s Day Flower Sale: Mary Ann Schulte’s life was a quiet testament to the powerful difference one person can make. A member of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish for more than 55 years, she touched countless lives with her gentle presence and steadfast belief in the value of every person. This annual sale helps to ensure the continued support of some of the causes that were dear to Mary Ann’s heart.
October Respect Life Month Educational Tables: Each October our committee celebrates Respect Life Month by sharing educational resources after weekend Masses. Recent topics have included ways to meet the needs of pregnant women and infants; resources around physical and mental health issues; understanding racism in today’s world; and working to end the injustice of sex trafficking.
Human Trafficking Awareness Education: Though trafficking might seem like a “big city” problem, the sad reality is that hundreds of people are trafficked right in our own backyard each and every day. We strive to increase awareness and action by offering educational speakers and resources.
Stations & Soup during Lent: Parishioners of all ages come together for prayer, fellowship and a warm meal. A freewill offering goes to support the work of Operation Rice Bowl, with 75% of funds going to help the hungry around the world and 25% remaining in our community.
UW-Madison Human Trafficking Awareness Program
Brava Magazine Cover Story on Human Trafficking
Protect Your Children Against Trafficking - Resources for Parents and Families
Staying Safe in Today's Electronic World
The Queen of Peace Respect Life Group has also hosted seminars and educational speakers on a variety of topics including:
- Sex trafficking
- Mental health, including suicide prevention
- End-of-life issues
- Physical and cognitive disabilities
- Voting your conscience
Have a passion for saying “yes” to life? We’d love to hear from you! Please contact the Respect Life committee chairperson: Vicky Franchino at vkfranchino@gmail.com or 608-238-8219.
The Respect Life Ministry has provided support and funding to a wide range of groups over the years including:
Beacon comprehensive day resource center for people experiencing homelessness.
BSP Clinic no-cost specialty care for uninsured, low-income patients.
Camp Wawbeek Scholarship Fund for a summer camp that serves disabled children.
CareNet for medical, counseling and support resources for pregnant women, infants and babies. Including a mobile clinic.
Catholic Charities Adult Day Center
Catholic Multicultural Center provides a wide variety of services to help those in need.
Journey Survivors of Suicide Program for support for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
NAMI Dane County for mental health resources.
Our Lady of Hope Clinic pro-life, pro-family medical clinic that provides affordable access to healthcare.
Porchlight provides shelter, affordable housing and supportive services.
Pregnancy Helpline for support and resources for pregnant women, children and families.
Rachel’s Vineyard helps women and men deal with aftermath of abortion.
Special Olympics uses the power of sports to serve people with intellectual disabilities.
The Elizabeth House provides housing and support for pregnant homeless women.
Very Special Arts, an organization on arts, education and disability.
Wisconsin Right to Life Education Fund
Women's Care Center