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Our resources for the homebound are to help parishioners who are unable to leave their residence, for short or long term, by providing regular homebound visits and home Communion. 

All volunteers for this ministry complete the Diocese of Madison Safe Environment program with a background check. 

If you’re seeking any of these resources or more information, please contact the Pastoral Care Office at (608) 231-4614. You can also complete the form below and our pastoral staff will contact you soon.


Home Communion Ministry

Our Home Communion Ministry brings Communion every Sunday, after Mass, to those who are physically unable to assemble with the congregation, such as sick or aging parishioners. Our Eucharistic Minster volunteers also bring Communion to local retirement communities, nursing homes, hospitals, and assisted living facilities. We also train family members to bring Communion to their loved ones.


More volunteers are always needed! This ministry is also open to families who would enjoy sharing Jesus with others. Please contact Crystal Nemeth for more information. 



Care Team Ministry

Our Parish Care Team seeks to aid those who are homebound or living alone to preserve a rich and independent lifestyle. We offer friendly visits and phone contact, prayer, and emotional support. We also offer respite, relief, and support to family caregivers, so they may rest and relax while their loved one has a friendly visitor from our parish. 

A partner (client) receives weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly visits from their care team visitor at a mutually agreed upon date. Team members' typical service time lasts about one hour. Every other month, our team members get together for some spiritual renewal, sharing, and education. Catholic Charities sponsors an individualized training session to prepare all new Care Team members for their ministry. Contact Crystal Nemeth at 608-231-4614 for further information. 


Reach Out Ministry

Our Reach Out Ministry volunteers provide rides to church or medical appointments, grocery shopping, occasional meals, seasonal yard work (raking, shoveling, etc.), or help with odd jobs around the house. 

If you are in need of consistent rides and/or are wheelchair bound, we recommend checking out the Dane County Department of Human Services and RSVP of Dane County.

Our Reach Out service can only provide rides to medical appointments on a short-term basis and cannot accommodate those who use a wheelchair. 

If you are needing extra support to maintain living at home, we recommend checking out Sharing Active Independent Lives (SAIL) and The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Dane County. Our Reach Out service can supplement on a volunteer basis for temporary needs.